Exit Planning

Planning your business exit – Asset protection for all stages of business sale

A company sale should be an exciting and monumental time for every business owner. Likely, you have put countless time and money into your business to build it up to the impressive asset that warrants such a purchase. It’s officially time for the payout! You should be entitled to kick up your feet, let the money come in and enjoy your retirement.

The reality is, there are many different liabilities that need to be considered in the purview of a sale. Chances are that the purchaser of your business will never be able to run it quite the way you did. They may claim that they did not get what they believed they were paying for (through no fault of your own). It’s imperative to consider protecting yourself and your personal funds, should the purchaser attempt to assert any claims against you.

It’s also important to consider how much you will receive in proceeds, when and how the proceeds will be disbursed, and your involvement in the company following the sale from both an ownership and management standpoint. Each of these scenarios creates different opportunities for liabilities. Vistage member and speaker Hillel L. Presser, Esq., MBA, walks through the important questions to ask yourself and crucial steps to take to ensure that everything you have worked so hard for is protected in the event of a business sale. You’ve worked tirelessly to put yourself in the position of a business sale. Let us assist you in making sure you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

About the presenter

Hillel Presser has been featured in numerous newspapers and magazines, among them Forbes, Sports Illustrated, the Robb Report, the Houston Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. He has also appeared on several radio and television networks such as FOX, BRAVO, NBC, ABC and CBS and has been profiled in the international press in Canada, Germany, Greece, Ireland and the United Kingdom. He has represented some of today’s most well-known business owners, celebrities and professional athletes.

Hillel Presser has authored several books and articles on Asset Protection and Law including “Asset Protection Secrets (Revised Edition),” “Financial Self–Defense,” “The Lawyers Law of Attraction,” “Asset Protection Secrets,” “Financial Self–Defense (Revised Edition),” “Asset Protection in Financially Unsafe Times” (foreword), and “Captive Insurance Companies” (foreword) just to name a few.

Category : Exit Planning

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About the Author: Anne Petrik

As Vice President of Research for Vistage, Anne Petrik is instrumental in the creation of original thought leadership designed to inform the decision-making of CEOs of small and midsize businesses. These perspectives — shared through repo

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