Customer Engagement

Why and How To Create a Keyword Search Strategy

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, it is important to find the market before developing the architecture of the website. In finding the market, one of the subsets is finding keywords that will drive the highest amount of credible leads to your site that will transition to a customer.  It’s not about driving tons of traffic… it’s about driving the right traffic. Pinpointing keywords that will drive a high ratio of traffic to conversion with the right call to action will make your online presence worth the investment. One of the first steps is a solid Keyword Strategy.

What Is a Keyword and Where Are They Used?

A keyword is a single word or a phase of words that may include special filters like +, – or even “quotes” to help a person retrieve information from a search engine. Based on May 2011 comScore, Google shares of search engine market grew to 65.4%, Yahoo help steady at 15.9%, Bing at 14.1%, Ask is at 2.9 and AOL held 1.5%. This information is important because this is where the market is using keywords. There may be other variables to look at such as Local Search and Mobile search results from certain devices and location.

Why Build Keyword Strategies?

The amount of paying consumers using the web to buy or make buying decisions is increasing every year, especially in social media over the past three years. Consumers find sites by using Keywords in search engines or social media sites. This will usually be a majority of how consumers find your site. The second main factor in driving traffic is frequently backlinks for B2C clients.

Keyword Strategy is an ongoing process that should be monitored and followed often. You will get what you put in it. It will also give you valuable insight in industry terms, trends and product demand. The more you invest in a proper strategy that is up-to-date the less you will have to pay for pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

How to Create a Keyword Strategy:

  1. Identify goals, what you want to achieve, and how you will measure success.
  2. Do a competitive analysis on keywords.
  3. Research keywords through online tools.
  4. Create a list of keywords in order of priority for your businesses that you believe are specific to your business and your offering. Relevance and difficulty of success should be factors.
  5. Design and optimize your site around keywords
  6. Read the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.
  7. Create landing pages that are optimized for conversion based on keywords.
  8. Setup a monitoring and analytics tools to measure ROI.
  9. Track and monitor performance.
  10. Test and modify keyword changes based on past results and research.
  11. Create a method to keep track of your methods and ROI. This will help to make future decisions and keep your knowledge documented so you can make future decisions.

Category: Customer Engagement

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About the Author: Nick Damoulakis

Nick Damoulakis is the co-founder of Orases Consulting Corporation, a Maryland-based interactive firm that focuses on the synergy between strategic marketing and i…

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