Business Growth & Strategy

Women in Leadership: Who’s on First?

Leadership and sports tend to go hand in hand… because so many of the analogies made by leaders come from the context of the sports world.  Because in sports there are teams.  And in most sports there are mostly men.  It has become a self-fulfilling prophecy and a subtle way to leave women out of some of the “locker room” or “golf course” conversations, where the “deals” are really made.

Women in Leadership: Who's on First?That’s why I would remind us of the delightful silliness of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First” during which the name of the first baseman (dare I say first base-person… no that sounds silly, too) is in question.  I propose that, if it were a woman, it would be just fine.  In fact, it would be terrific.

After all, women are known to be team players, perhaps even better team players than men (albeit with less team sports experience).  Research done by McKinsey in their outstanding series called Women Matter, has shown that women are actually better at demonstrating expectation, reward management, and at participation decision-making.  These are great skills for team members and, more importantly, for leaders.   They also have shown that women are better at providing role models than men are, another important skill for leaders.

In today’s smaller and growing companies, we need leaders who will move the organization forward but be somewhat more collaborative and less risk-taking.  We need strategic thinkers and role models.  It is wonderful that there are more women assuming leadership roles in larger companies, but it is hard to get data on women in leadership roles in evolving companies.

So the question must go directly to you:  Do you have… or are you grooming… women leaders?

If not, you may be sounding as silly as Abbott and Costello.  And there’s no need for that any more.

Category: Business Growth & Strategy Leadership Organizational Culture & Values


About the Author: Lynne Morton

Lynne Morton, President, Performance Improvement (PI) Solutions (

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