Mary Doize

Mary Doizé has a solid track record in growing small-to-midsize and Fortune 500 businesses across a variety of domains including Human Capital, Customer Relationship Management, and Education Technology. With general management and marketing expertise, Mary ran a $40M P&L business for Sage Software, a major $2B software solutions firm, as VP/GM of Human Resource Management Solutions. Her roles across many functions within both small and large companies have afforded her to see businesses in a very holistic way, solving general business challenges through a combination of strategy and execution. She turned a declining, mature business into a growth engine with 15% year over year growth through divestiture, acquisition, new product development, effective marketing and alliances. Mary deployed a vast, multi-million dollar International solution for a $17B technology company as well. Mary also led a major branding initiative for a $130M Education Technology firm; bringing three companies together under one master brand.