Brandie Broihier

The child of two witty software engineers, Brandie is an experienced public and interpersonal speaker. While working towards her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology at Stephen F. Austin State University, she attended national and regional Sociology conventions where she presented research and co-written articles. Upon completion of her degree, Brandie received the W.E. Wade Outstanding Graduate in Sociology Award and began her career in social work. Through employment and volunteer work with non-profit organizations, Brandie continues to refine her skills as an active listener and conversationalist.Brandie’s passion for keeping small companies in the virtual here-and-now gives her work with non-profit organizations special meaning. She sees potential for growth swept under the rug everyday, and enjoys working towards using social media to their benefit to showcase the unique assets of the organizations she works with. Keeping up with the online world can be a challenge, and Brandie is excited to enhance her skills in social media to continue to help aspiring community groups with marketing themselves with up-to-date online strategies.