Experience Vistage with Don Rheem
Hosted in Tysons Tuesday, March 28, 2023 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Event Overview
Employee Engagement & Productivity: Proven Techniques to Radically Improve Your Bottom-Line
Don Rheem delivers unique insights on building PERMANENT high performance cultures of continuous improvement. The best-designed systems and processes only deliver peak efficiency IF the people using them are functioning at THEIR optimal capacity. We all know that you can’t manage what you can’t measure – yet few organizations are aware of the empirically validated key indicators that govern human engagement – let alone how to measure them! Senior Leaders are challenged to create an environment in which staff is willing to volunteer their discretionary effort – that willingness to go the extra mile that employers can’t force staff to travel. Don reveals a rapid-response approach organizations can use to quickly get quantitative report cards on these specific causal performance indicators for each Team, Supervisor & Department. Empirically proven high performance markers pinpoint specific, immediately actionable strengthening opportunities for every manager at every level of the hierarchy.