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Tuesday, September 26, 2023 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EDT

Event Overview

Who do you turn to when you need to make the tough decisions? Who challenges you and “questions your answers?” Learn why the Eastern Region’s top executives turn to Vistage peer advisory groups to take their business to the next level.

Join us at an upcoming invitation-only event for the opportunity to test drive a Vistage group meeting. We’ll tackle real issues and collectively provide new perspectives, ideas and solutions. You’ll have the chance to see the real magic of a group meeting, which isn’t normally open to visitors. Discover how our proprietary process can provide:

  • Honest, agenda-free perspectives from a sounding board of executives in non-competing industries
  • Solutions to critical decisions so you can accomplish more, fix internal issues, or avoid costly mistakes
  • Accelerated growth – member companies grow their businesses at 3x the U.S. average


This Vistage Award-winning Talk is modular-- and can be delivered in any length a Chair requests, certainly as a 90-minute virtual program in addition to a 3-hour workshop. Dean has delivered this Talk Virtually for more than 3 years-- 40 - 50 Vistage-related sessions-- with Ratings as high for Virtual as for In-Person. Every day, in every way, we are Starting Different™-- Dean's current webcast series, from 30 minutes to 3 hours, how to make a difference in times of change and disruption. Dean’s next book and workshop series will be titled Starting Different™—and will focus on how Teams and Individuals can change and achieve exponential improvement through a simple process (using brain science). All of the core content of YESCALATE applies to how people make decisions during times of disruption and how we can influence them in an honest and ethical way-- to optimize our customer's and employees experience. Brain science applied to behavioral change.

Value to Member

At its core, YESCALATE® is not about sales — although it will absolutely help you sell more. Dean’s YESCALATE® system will show you how to get to yes faster and more often, and in an honest and ethical way. Research-based content divided into easily digestible segments offers simple, actionable takeaways that will change the way you relate to people.

  • This dynamic session includes modules on Brain Science, Behavioral Psychology, and Sales and Marketing Best Practices and is applicable to anyone who needs to influence others.
  • Dean’s unique, engaging narrative style is showcased, providing you with guidance every step of the way in conjunction with handouts for application and review.
  • Regardless of your profession or personality, Dean’s session will help you embrace the art of persuasion.

Event Speakers

Dean Minuto

The One Page Sales Coach®, Yescalate
Dean Minuto coaches CEOs and sales teams to get "yes" faster and more often from the people they are trying to influence. Dean teaches award-winning summary courses to CEOs within Vistage and to industry groups across the United States. A Vistage Member himself who also completed Vistage Studio VI Chair training, Dean loves to work with Vistage Groups and is committed to contribute for Members and Chairs in his Talks. More than 9000 executives coached, 450 Workshops in the last 4 years alone-- Dean's Ratings are consistently at 4.9 for Content and Delivery with 100% of Attendees Rating "RECOMMEND".


Hosted in Zoom

8:00 AM
Welcome & Introductions

8:20 AM
Speaker | Dean Minuto

9:10 AM

9:15 AM
Member Testimonial

9:20 AM
Issue Processing

9:50 AM
Q&A / Wrap Up

10:00 AM
Meeting Adjourns