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Atlanta 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. EDT

Beyond Limits

Going above and beyond is ingrained in everything you do. You know it takes determination to push beyond conventional limits. Every day you navigate through uncertainty and respond to emerging challenges – pushing the boundaries of your leadership.

The Vistage Executive Summit is just one stop on your limitless journey to explore new horizons, embrace innovation and pursue ambitious goals. Breakthrough results happen when you redefine limitations and go beyond what you thought possible. Join like-minded peers who refuse to be confined to the well-worn path and unlock your full potential.

Break free from traditional thinking. Challenge the status quo. Propel your leadership to the next level.

Event Speakers

Taylor St. Germain

Economist and Speaker, ITR Economics

A Changing Landscape

The landscape of 2023 witnessed a tapestry of conflicting trends, with some leading indicators on the rise and others in decline. Amidst persistently high interest rates, a prevailing assumption emerged: "If nothing adverse has occurred by now..." Join us for an exploration of the anticipated trends in 2024, encompassing a softening economy, decreased inflation, and a transformation in consumer spending patterns. Our examination will extend to pivotal domestic and global markets. This presentation provides you with the opportunity to craft tactics and strategies, arming you against the impending upswing in the business cycle. Equipping yourself with insights into what to monitor and the likely timing of the upward turn will instill confidence as you chart out your plans.

Steve Baker

Vice President, The Great Game of Business

The Great Game of Business: Rapid Financial Results and Lasting Cultural Change

Good To Great author Jim Collins says, "The whole concept of The Great Game of Business is beautiful –consistency, alignment, and transparency, infused with core values and brought to life with powerful mechanisms. It is inspired and inspiring."

The Great Game of Business is the unique and time-tested approach to business that gets everyone focused on the company’s success. Employee goals. accountabilities and their personal stake in the outcome are tied directly to the success of the business. It teaches all employees the ‘Critical Numbers’ of the company and how they can make a difference – both individually and as part of a team. In this engaging overview presentation, participants will:

  • Learn the origins and fundamentals of open-book management and The Great Game of Business.
  • Take away knowledge of how to begin introducing it to their organization.
  • Learn about a proven process to help create a real and lasting ownership culture.

Anne Petrik

VP of Research, Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

As Emcee, Anne will share key data and insights from the latest Vistage CEO Confidence Index. This Index, derived quarterly from surveys completed by Vistage members nationwide, has been identified by ITR Economics as a leading indicator of U.S. Industrial Production Index trends, predicting changes 9 months in advance.


Cobb Galleria Centre

7:15 AM
Event Opens

7:45 AM
Breakfast Sessions

Breakfast buffet served

  • Are You Driving Long-Term Value for Your Company Through an Acquisition Strategy?
  • Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation
  • Hiring Top Sales Talent: There's Got To Be a Better Way!
  • Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success
  • The Scalable Business Framework: Scale and Grow with Salesforce and Hubspot

8:45 AM

9:00 AM
Economic Update | ITR Economics
A deep dive into the economic forecast facing your market.

10:35 AM

11:05 AM
Panel Discussion
Running a Healthy Business - a conversation moderated by Anne Petrik with Paul J. Brahim, Wealth Enhancement Group and Zane Tarence, Founders Advisors.

12:00 PM

12:25 PM
Lunch Sessions

  • Actionable Strategies for Mastering Financial Optionality
  • Reaching New Heights: Unlocking Six Financial Functions for Growth
  • Build a Future-Ready Workforce
  • B2B Marketing Revolution: Your Battle Plan
  • Is Your Company Investment Grade? 12 Key Factors to Attract an Outsized Valuation

1:25 PM

1:35 PM
Connection Activity
Meet Vistage peers in a structured networking activity.

2:20 PM
Leadership Speaker | Steve Baker
The Great Game of Business: Rapid Financial Results and Lasting Cultural Change

3:25 PM
Community Reception
Celebrate your community's Vistage Member Excellence Award winners and finalists and connect with fellow peers. Refreshments to be served in the Marketplace.

4:15 PM
Event Close

*agenda subject to change

Breakout sessions

7:45 - 8:45 AM

Are You Driving Long-Term Value for Your Company Through an Acquisition Strategy?

Presenter: John Bly, South Atlantic Regional Leader, Tax Partner and Adam Venokur - Northeast Regional Leader, Tax Partner


In this breakout session, participants will learn about:

  • Why an acquisition strategy is important for growth.

  • Timing is everything: know the market and know when you’re ready.

  • Demystifying the perception of risks surrounding an acquisition.

  • How to get ready to scale and accelerate value creation through acquisition.

Topic: Financials: Mergers & Acquisitions

7:45 - 8:45 AM

Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation

Presenter: Mark Shivers, Founder & CEO | Ignite IPA


Are you worried about hiring/retaining staff? Are you nervous about inflation or a potential recession/depression? Are you looking to grow your business but are concerned about the increased costs?

Leveraging automation can help companies of all sizes support their corporate strategy and achieve high ROI by reducing expenses, avoiding costs, accelerating revenue, and creating more efficient business processes. In this session you will learn about intelligent process automation technologies, and how other companies have leveraged them to achieve higher margins.


Topic: Business Operations: Technology

7:45 - 8:45 AM

Hiring Top Sales Talent: There's Got To Be a Better Way!

Presenter: Steve Heroux, Founder & CEO | The Sales Collective [Vistage Member and Speaker]


Having a skilled and motivated sales team is crucial for the success of your company. However, finding and hiring top sales talent can be a daunting and challenging task. That's why we've designed this workshop to help you learn the strategies and best practices for attracting, identifying, and hiring the best sales professionals for your organization. In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • The key traits and characteristics of top sales performers.

  • How to implement a hiring tool with a 92% success rate.

  • Why Sales DNA is the key to a better hiring process!

Topic: Customer Engagement: Sales & Marketing

7:45 - 8:45 AM

Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success

Presenter: Bob McDonnell | Preferred CFO


The future can't be predicted, but with proper tools and strategies, businesses can “Turn on the Headlights,” increasing their opportunity for prosperity while reducing risk of failure. In this session, Bob McDonnell of Preferred CFO presents tools and strategies that help stakeholders elevate their company's fiscal health, confidence, and strategy by:

  • Understanding the importance and intricacies of a forward-facing financial strategy—and how to execute it.

  • Evaluating a financial teams' capabilities and ability to provide actionable information.

  • Tracking the right metrics to better inform the future.

  • Harnessing the power of forecasting to more confidently achieve goals through data-backed decision making.

Topic: Financials: Financial Management

7:45 - 8:45 AM

The Scalable Business Framework: Scale and Grow with Salesforce and Hubspot

Presenter: Michael Johnson, Director of Growth, Fast Slow Motion

Unlock the secrets to scalable growth and discover how hundreds of companies thrive with the Scalable Business Framework. Gain actionable insights into common pitfalls and learn practical methods to drive your business forward using Salesforce and Hubspot. Walk away with a powerful framework and probing questions to analyze and enhance your business. Seize the opportunity to take control of your future with tools you already have.

Topic: Technology

12:25 - 1:25 PM

Actionable Strategies for Mastering Financial Optionality

Presenter: Paul J. Brahim, CFP®, AIFA, Managing Director, SVP - Financial Advisor | Wealth Enhancement Group [Vistage Member]


Does your financial plan deliver optionality? Do you have the freedom to walk away from your business without selling it?

In this session, you’ll learn invaluable tools and strategies to optimize your financial plan, and steps to financial flexibility and freedom. Learn from the firsthand experience of a Vistage member who successfully created optionality in a 60-year-old family business using integrated tax, estate, and investment planning strategies.


Topic: Financials: Financial Management

12:25 - 1:25 PM

Reaching New Heights: Unlocking Six Financial Functions for Growth

Presenter: Nelson Tepfer, Co-Founder and CEO | ProCFO Partners

Your company started with an idea, and as it’s grown you face different challenges. Do you have the insights and people needed to make informed decisions to grow strategically? 

In this session, we discuss the six financial functions your company needs in order to continue your ascent.  You will learn:

  • The six essential financial function that every business needs to grow.

  • The difference between financial functions and financial responsibility. 

  • What your business might be missing in terms of the financial skill set and framework required to grow.

Topic: Financials: Financial Management

12:25 - 1:25 PM

Build a Future-Ready Workforce

Presenter: Karina Ychiki-Campos, Senior Human Resource Specialist, Field Service Operations | Insperity


In today’s landscape, a company’s path to success depends on the quality, adaptability, and resiliency of its people. Upskilling and reskilling your workforce is an important place to start. In this session, participants will learn:

  • Why upskilling and reskilling your workforce matters, and the benefits to your organization

  • The employee attributes you should prioritize

  • How to get started with upskilling and reskilling

  • What to watch out for.

Topic: Talent Management: Retention & Engagement

12:25 - 1:25 PM

B2B Marketing Revolution: Your Battle Plan

Presenter: Lori Turner-Wilson & Jee Vahn Knight, CEO & VP | RedRover Sales & Marketing Strategy


This intensive workshop unveils the proven, scientific 12 Battles™️ Framework for crafting powerful marketing strategies that deliver a surefire, predictable marketing ROI. Elevate your marketing team to perform at unprecedented levels giving them the conviction to stand behind their projections. Leave behind the trial-and-error approach that wastes precious resources; sculpt a fail-proof marketing machine capable of scaling.

  • Uncover powerful customer insights that impact your ability to generate predictable outcomes.

  • Dive into attribution modeling to make strategic decisions about your marketing investment.

  • Level up your team and agency to stand behind their marketing projections – tying their compensation to marketing ROI projections.

Topic: Customer Engagement: Sales & Marketing

12:25 - 1:25 PM

Is Your Company Investment Grade? 12 Key Factors to Attract an Outsized Valuation

Presenter: Zane Tarence, Managing Director and Partner | Founders Advisors [Vistage Speaker]


Given today’s dynamic M&A climate, business owners need a candid market perspective on what drives enterprise value. Join us to learn:

  • What it takes to attract an outsized valuation from institutional grade buyers

  • A 20 minute market based approach to assess your company’s “investability”

  • Top 5 deal breakers and seller missteps

  • How to better align operational focus with value creation

Topic: Financials: Mergers & Acquisitions



Cobb Galleria Centre
2 Galleria Parkway SE
Atlanta, GA

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