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Boise 2023

Hosted in Garden City Thursday, March 23, 2023 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. MDT

Event Overview

Innovation. Courage. Decisions.

You show up for your peers and your business with full dedication — at any hour. It’s what makes the Vistage community of business leaders so special.

Now more than ever, it is imperative to innovate at the speed of life. As things continue to change in the blink of an eye, make sure you’re equipped to continue your climb. In the company of your Vistage peers (back in person!), access the insights you need to power your ascent in 2023 and beyond.

Mark your calendar to attend the Vistage Executive Summit for:

  • Critical keynotes. Your local economy. Your hot-button issues. Your leadership, to the next level.
  • Targeted learning sessions. Deep dives into topics keeping members up at night.
  • Peer-to-peer connections. Get to know your greater Vistage community and share your unique perspective — face to face!

The Executive Summit is always on with the My Vistage mobile app
All event materials will be available when you need them, from your mobile device in the Digital Event Folder. By logging into My Vistage day-of the event, access:
– speaker materials
– agenda
– takeaways
– and more!
Look for the link to the Digital Event Folder in your inbox leading up to the event.

Download the My Vistage mobile app for quicker access day-of the Summit.

Available for Vistage members only.

Event Speakers

Connor Lokar

Speaker and Senior Forecaster, ITR Economics

A Changing Landscape

Interest rates, inflation, labor, military conflicts, and a presidential election are on the minds of most leaders as they make plans for the rest of 2024 and prepare for 2025. Join us as we look at the trends for 2024, including a weakening economy, lower inflation, and a shift in consumer spending. We will take a look at key markets, both domestic and global. The presentation will give you valuable insights in time to develop tactics and strategies to beat the cycle and prepare for the business cycle rise ahead. Knowing what to watch for and the probable timing of the reversal to rise will give you confidence as you enact plans that enable you to get the most out of 2024 and 2025 while simultaneously getting ahead of your competitors.

Anne Petrik

Vice President of Research, Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

Decision Factors 2023: Unleashing Workforce Productivity

CEOs are facing a dynamic set of rapidly evolving factors that will influence their decisions as the post pandemic reality comes into focus. Once an emerging trend, remote work and the demands of an empowered workforce are challenging CEOs to attract and retain high performers. Throughout the day, as emcee, Anne will weave perspectives on how to adapt the workplace to unleash workforce productivity with the latest data and insights from Vistage Research.

Michael Brody-Waite

CEO, Addictive Leadership

Addictive Leadership

Drawing on his own journey of recovery from addiction, Michael helps leaders identify their “Leadership Addiction” and apply the system created 80 years ago to transform the lives of addicts in order to transform their leadership. Participants walk away with the tools to:

  • Reclaim Time: Save 500 hours per year (seriously)
  • Realign Priorities: Say no to the things that limit high performance
  • Reconnect Relationships: Build stronger bonds and trust with rigorous authenticity
  • Revive Communication: Stop avoiding difficult conversations
  • Reach Potential: Grow talent by asking for what you need
  • Refresh Leadership: Increase energy and engagement with a unique approach


The Riverside Hotel

7:45 a.m.
Registration opens

8:15 a.m.
Breakfast Sessions

  • Your Results-Guaranteed B2B Marketing Plan!
  • Strom Clouds on the Horizon; Do You Have an Umbrella?
  • Effective Plan Governance with Secure Act 2.0

9:30 a.m.
General Session | Connor Lokar, A Changing Landscape

11:10 a.m.
Marketplace | Break

11:40 a.m.
General Session | Connection Activity

12:50 p.m.
Lunch Sessions

  • CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business
  • Monetizing Your Business and Delivering Generational Success
  • The Nine Steps to a Much Longer Life with Robust Health
  • Experience Vistage – by invitation for guests only

2 p.m.
General Session | Michael Brody-Waite, Addictive Leadership

3:30 p.m.

*agenda subject to change

Breakout sessions

8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Your Results-Guaranteed B2B Marketing Plan

Presenter: Jee Vahn Knight, Vice President of Growth, RedRover Sales and Marketing Strategy

In this workshop, learn the proven process for developing a measurable B2B marketing plan with predictable returns, driving sustainable growth for your business.  By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss what it takes to build results-guaranteed marketing plan,

  • Identify the top four confidence killers that prevent your marketing plan from being guaranteed,

  • Apply our framework of discipline for vetting your marketing plans, and

  • Ask critical CEO-level questions at each stage of the process.

Topic: Customer Engagement: Sales & Marketing

8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Effective Plan Governance with Secure Act 2.0

Presenter: Donald Reiman, CFP, CEBS, MSFS, Founder, Echelon Group

  • Understanding the importance of plan governance process. Beyond being a fiduciary and the protections of good plan governance processes.

  • Secure Act 2.0 plan sponsors and employees Key provisions and implementation dates that will impact plan sponsors and participants.

  • Plan governance impacts with Secure Act 2.0. Navigating the implementation and issues with Secure Act 2.0

Topic: Financials: Ownership & Governance

8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Storm Clouds on the Horizon; Do You Have an Umbrella?

Presenter: Scott Robertson, VP Commercial Banking, Washington Trust Bank

With all prognosticators leaning towards an economic downturn sometime this year, how is your organization positioned for the challenges as well as potential opportunities that may come your way? Now is the time to prepare and strategize with your team in order to weather the storm.

Topic: Financials: Capital / Cash Management

12:50 p.m - 1:50 p.m.

Lunch Session | CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business

Presenter: Advisors from Culture Index

Join the Culture Index team to reveal the true fit of your executive team and leaders- who is in the right seat and who is not? Do you have the right team in place to scale your business? Not getting the top and bottom line growth by not hiring and obtaining the right team? In this session, you will be prepped to utilize data to make more objective human decisions in securing the right talent in order to drive sustainable growth. Walk away with new insights, tips, and practices to implement into your business and better align your people.

Topic: Leadership: Communication & Alignment

12:50 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.

Lunch Session | Monetizing Your Business and Delivering Generational Success

Presenter: Nicholas Harris, CEPA®, Senior Vice President-Wealth Management, UBS Financial Services Inc., Kevin Wang, CEPA®, Senior Vice President-Wealth Management, UBS Financial Services Inc., Adam Olivas, CEPA®, Financial Advisor, UBS Financial Services Inc.

As a business owner, you are hyper-focused on the day-to-day responsibilities of running your business, but often times, never take the opportunity to take a step back and ask: What’s Next? We’ll bring expert insights on: Personal Planning, Business Planning, and Life Planning before the sale of your business.


Topic: Personal Development: Exit & Succession Planning

12:50 p.m - 1:50 p.m.

Lunch Session | The Nine Steps to a Much Longer Life with Robust Health

Presenter: John Asher CEO Asher Longevity Institute

A happy, healthy and highly motivated team will contribute directly to robust business growth. In this session, participants will learn:

  • An integration of all current information about health, wellness and longevity.

  • The significant possibility of living to 112 with great health by following current guidelines from longevity experts integrated into a “longevity pyramid”

  • The average lifespan of US adults is 77 years, and the average health span is only 63 years. This presentation shows how to gain 23 years of lifespan and 23 years of health span.

  • Taking care of your team today contributes to greater success tomorrow.

Topic: Personal Development: Wellness



The Riverside Hotel
2900 W Chinden Blvd
Garden City, ID