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Tri-State 2022

Hosted in Newark Wednesday, November 9, 2022 7:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. EST

Event Overview

Innovation. Courage. Decisions.

You show up for your peers and your business with full dedication — at any hour. It’s what makes the Vistage community of business leaders so special.

Now more than ever, it is imperative to innovate at the speed of life. As things continue to change in the blink of an eye, make sure you’re equipped to continue your climb. In the company of your Vistage peers (back in person!), access the insights you need to power your ascent in 2022 and beyond.

Save the date for the Vistage Executive Summit for:

  • Critical keynotes. Your local economy. Your hot-button issues. Your leadership, to the next level.
  • Targeted learning sessions. Deep dives into topics keeping members up at night.
  • Peer-to-peer connections. Get to know your greater Vistage community and share your unique perspective — face to face!

Have the Summit in your pocket
All event materials will be available when you need them, from your mobile device in the Digital Event Folder. By logging into My Vistage day-of the event, access:
– agenda
– presentation downloads
– takeaways
– and more!
Look for the link to the Digital Event Folder in your inbox leading up to the event.

Download the My Vistage mobile app for quicker access day-of the Summit.

Available for Vistage members only.

Event Speakers

Brian Beaulieu

CEO and Chief Economist, ITR Economics

The Climb Ahead

Inform your decision-making in a changing economic landscape with this data-packed presentation from ITR Economics. Tailored to your local market, ITR’s analysis will:

  • Assess business demand for 2022, 2023 and into 2024.
  • Evaluate the labor market and present expectations for availability and labor costs.
  • Present a clear picture of inflation and interest rates.
  • Discuss lingering supply chain issues and ongoing pricing concerns.
  • Look at key leading indicators and what they foretell for your market.
  • Present relevant market outlooks and discuss issues that impact your profitability via resource allocation, budgets, expectations and strategic planning.
  • Determine the potential impact of a shift in government and potential consequences of massive government programs.

• Assess the health of financial market trends and their impact on the forecasts.

René Rodriguez 2022

CEO, Volentum, author

Amplify your influence

How can you become a more powerful presenter, communicator and influencer? In this highly interactive presentation, René Rodriguez will break down the neuroscience of influence, guiding you step by step through methodologies that create influence whether you are at the front of the room, in meetings, or one on one. An entrepreneur and CEO of multiple companies, René brings a practical business approach customized to maximize value and relevance.

Key takeaways include:

  • A complete transformation of how you speak at meetings or in front of audiences.
  • A powerful 3-step approach to influence behavior and drive action.
  • The secrets to powerful storytelling.
  • Inspiration and understanding of how to lead and communicate more effectively.

Joe Galvin 2022

Chief Research Officer, Vistage Worldwide

Decision Factors 2022: Unleashing Workforce Productivity

CEOs are facing a dynamic set of rapidly evolving factors that will influence their decisions as the post pandemic reality comes into focus. Once an emerging trend, remote work and the demands of an empowered workforce are challenging CEOs to attract and retain high performers. In this session, you'll gain perspectives on how adapt the workplace to unleash workforce productivity with the latest data and insights from Vistage Research.


Newark Liberty International Airport Marriott

7:15 a.m.
Registration opens

7:45 a.m.
Breakfast Sessions

  • CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business

  • CEO's Marketing Dashboard

  • Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success

  • How to Accelerate Growth & Outperform Inflation? Be Indispensable.

  • Your Capabilities Deck is All Wrong! Here’s Why.

9:00 a.m.
General Session | Brian Beaulieu, The Climb Ahead

10:35 a.m.
Break | Marketplace

11:05 a.m.
General Session | Joe Galvin, Decision Factors 2022: Unleashing Workforce Productivity

11:45 a.m.
General Session | Networking activity

12:30 p.m.
Lunch Sessions

  • How to Grow Enterprise Value to Outpace Inflation

  • Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation

  • Proceed with Passion & Exit Right

  • The Art of Cultivating a Culture by Design

  • Are You Running Your Business or is Your Business Running You?

1:40 p.m.
General Session | René Rodriguez, Amplify Your Influence

3:30 p.m.

Celebrate your community's Vistage Member Excellence Award winners and finalists and connect with fellow peers.

*agenda subject to change

Breakout sessions

7:45 a.m. -8:45 a.m.

Breakfast Session | CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business

Presenter: Chas Moscarino, Executive Advisor, Culture Index

Join the Culture Index team to reveal the true fit of your executive team and leaders- who is in the right seat and who is not? Do you have the right team in place to scale your business? Not getting the top and bottom line growth by not hiring and obtaining the right team? In this session, you will be prepped to utilize data to make more objective human decisions in securing the right talent in order to drive sustainable growth. Walk away with new insights, tips, and practices to implement into your business and better align your people.

Topic: Communication & Alignment

7:45 - 8:45 am

Breakfast Session | CEO's Marketing Dashboard

Presenter: Jee Vahn Knight, Vice President of Growth, RedRover Sales & Marketing Strategy

Information is power. In this workshop, learn how to more accurately calculate your marketing ROI (or MROI) — not just overall but down to the channel level with accurate attribution of the real drivers of new business. Industry benchmarks will be shared, bringing your marketing KPIs into focus. Attendees will receive a complimentary one-hour working session with the RedRover pack to build the foundation your world-class marketing dashboard.

Topic: Customer Engagement: Sales & Marketing

7:45 - 8:45 am

Breakfast Session | Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success

Presenter: K. Scott Crawford, Partner, Preferred CFO

The future can't be predicted, but with proper tools and strategies, businesses can “Turn on the Headlights,” increasing their opportunity for prosperity while reducing risk of failure. In this session, Scott Crawford of Preferred CFO presents tools and strategies that help stakeholders elevate their company's fiscal health, confidence, and strategy by:

  • Understanding the importance and intricacies of a forward-facing financial strategy—and how to execute it.

  • Evaluating a financial teams' capabilities and ability to provide actionable information.

  • Tracking the right metrics to better inform the future.

  • Harnessing the power of forecasting to more confidently achieve goals through data-backed decision making.

Topic: Financials: Financial Management

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

Breakfast Session | How to Accelerate Growth & Outperform Inflation? Be Indispensable.

Presenter: Deborah Fell, Managing Partner and Carol Eversen, Partner & CMO from Chief Outsiders

Businesses tend to define and communicate their value proposition by what they do instead of who and how they help. The hard truth is that clients and customers don’t care about you; they care about what you do for them. Help them solve their problem & transform their level of business growth? You will be indispensable. We will discuss & provide:

  • Top questions every CEO should be able to answer about their customers

  • Determining if your differentiator matters to customers

  • A tool for your teams to create defining differentiators to motivate current and potential customers


Topic: Sales & Marketing

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

Breakout Session | Your Capabilities Deck is All Wrong! Here’s Why.

Presenter: Ed Delia, PCM* President Delia Associates *Professional Certified Marketer by the American Marketing Association

The capabilities presentation: a powerful, yet often underappreciated weapon in the b2b executive’s arsenal. All too often, b2b executives take an upside-down approach, resulting in a missed opportunity, or avoidable delays in the selling process. In this short, impactful presentation, we’ll show you a “right-side-up” model for getting the capes presentation right, and how to use this important tool to overcome competitors, accelerate the selling process, and ultimately win the business.

Topic: Sales & Marketing

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch session | The Art of Cultivating a Culture by Design

Presenter: Abrahm Turner, Manager, Innovation & Development

The goal of understanding culture gives insight into the current and future needs at each organizational level. The understanding empowers and informs leaders to create environments that promote engagement and growth. Simply put, culture is the way forward, but leaders must know its relevance and importance and how to leverage it on the path toward success. A key takeaway of this breakout will be equipping you with insights to cultivate culture by design.

Topic: Leadership: Organizational Values and Culture

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch session | Proceed with Passion & Exit Right

Presenter: Alan Spierer, CEPA®, Senior Vice President – Wealth Management; Timothy Yagasits, CFP®, CRPC® - Investment Associate; David Sytsma, CRPS®, CIMA® - Investment Associate

When considering the next stage for your business, your needs may vary depending on your current business cycle. For some, it may be time for the next chapter. Others may want to raise capital to continue growing a business, while others may find that transferring ownership to employees or the next generation is best. Whatever choice, careful planning is key. In this session, we’ll ask you as successful business owners and entrepreneurs to think about your plan, specifically about your plan to exit. Leave with advice and wealth strategies to help shape a successful business exit, no matter your timeline.

Topic: Personal Development: Exit & Succession Planning

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Lunch session | How to Grow Enterprise Value to Outpace Inflation

Presenter: Dave Heymann, Senior Mergers & Acquisitions Advisor, Generational Group and Vistage Speaker

Businesses and their value tend to grow to the limit of the available resources. Working harder (or smarter) will NOT grow the business beyond that ceiling. Inflation makes this even worse by reducing resources. This session discusses growing without increasing resources, how to get more resources for growth, and how business value is REALLY determined. If we want to release some or all of that value, how do we do it? Finally, if I want to transfer the business and its value to the next generation, how do I protect my family, my financial future, and the business?

Topic: Merger & Acquisition Advisory

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch session | Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation

Presenter: Mark Shivers, Founder & CEO, Ignite IPA; Tim Fleming, Head of Process & Client Experience, Ignite IPA; Manny Velazquez, Head of Strategy and Architecture, Ignite IPA; Hassan Chaudhry, Head of EMEA Operations, Ignite IPA

Are you worried about hiring/retaining staff? Are you nervous about inflation or a potential recession/depression? Are you looking to grow your business but are concerned about the increased costs?
Leveraging automation can help companies of all sizes support their corporate strategy and achieve high ROI by reducing expenses, avoiding costs, accelerating revenue, and creating more efficient business processes. In this session you will learn about intelligent process automation technologies, and how other companies have leveraged them to achieve higher margins. Opt-in-participants will receive a complimentary opportunity identification assessment focused on creating a quantifiable pipeline of value-based automation opportunities.

Topic: Business Operations: Technology

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch session | Are You Running Your Business or is Your Business Running You?

Presenter: Evan J. Blumenthal, Professional EOS Implementer®️, EOS Worldwide

Is this you? Many of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders work longer hours and get less return on their investments of time and money. Don’t let your business run you- get a grip on your business! In this session, Evan J. Blumenthal, Professional EOS Implementer® will share:

  • Five common frustrations of most business owners/leaders

  • The Six Key Components™ of a successful business

AND you will walk away with a set of simple, practical tools that you and your leadership team can use immediately to:

  • Clarify your Vision

  • Gain Traction® together

  • Become a Healthy leadership team

Topic: Leadership: Communication & Alignment
