Roger Miller Launches New Vistage Group in Central New Jersey

San Diego, January 30, 2012 – Vistage Chair Roger Miller has recently launched a new Chief Executive group in Central New Jersey. The Chief Executive Vistage group will meet monthly to discuss business issues, share expertise, and provide one another confidential help in critical situations. Miller joins nearly 400 Vistage Chairs who lead local area groups, which total more than 15,000 members in 15 countries.

Vistage Chair Bob Duncan applauded his success, “Roger Miller is a smart, down to earth professional who has considerable business experience and a fantastic leadership background. Roger learned a great deal about leadership at West Point and brings that superb training, along with his business experience to his new chair practice. These abilities, when added to Roger’s wit and easy to be with persona will be great assets to the members of his group.”

Roger Miller has a diverse background, having held many positions ranging from business development and strategy consultant to Corporate VP and Managing Director of La-Z-Boy International. He has started and grown companies and through his expert facilitation skills helped some of America’s best known companies, like Lowe’s Home Improvement Centers, Dover Elevator and others, create and implement winning strategies that propelled them to the top of their industries. Roger graduated from the United States Military Academy, West Point, and holds an MBA in International Finance from Eastern Michigan University.

about Vistage International

Founded in 1957, Vistage International, headquartered in San Diego, California, is the world’s leading chief executive organization, serving more than 15,000 members in 15 countries. Vistage member CEOs participate in chair-led advisory board peer groups, receive one-to-one coaching, learn from expert speakers, and interact among a global network of CEOs representing a broad range of industries. Its renowned Vistage CEO Confidence Index has been tracking CEO confidence and main street business issues since 2003.  

media contact
Leo Bottary
Vistage International